Ask customers to rate your service

Customer ratings of your services are very important.  First of all, asking customers for their input regarding your services sends a message to them that you care about what they think and that you want to ensure that they were satisfied.  Secondly, customer ratings are very valuable for use in your marketing efforts, because most consumers go to the internet to review services before they decide to act.  Customer ratings and comments have a significant impact on customer decisions.  

In addition, customer ratings and comments can be used to help educate your service team about what matters most to customers.  Making customer feedback opportunities very visible and frequent establishes a customer-focused culture in your practice.  If team members know that every customer has a readily available opportunity to provide feedback about the services they receive, then those team members are likely to be more concerned and aware about delivering exemplary service.  Nobody likes to see their name associated with negative remarks from a customer, and everyone wants to see their name associated with exemplary service reviews.

Ask your customers how well you did in serving them!  Their feedback is very valuable to your practice.  If needed, seek assistance in establishing a customer feedback program.

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