Establish your standard of care for both your medicine and your business

Much of the conflict with veterinarians operating healthy practices often lies with the focus of the veterinarian being on their preferred medical process in isolation from the needs of the practice as a business.  Veterinarians are trained to assess, diagnose, and treat.  They are not widely trained in how to manage a business.

To improve your practice separate the medicine from the business.  Establish a Chief Veterinary Officer position to establish leadership in developing and enforcing a standard of medical care in your practice.  You don't have to let business issues impact the quality of medicine that you provide.  Instead, establish a standard of care and let that dictate the needs of your practice, and then use it to establish an appropriate fee schedule, budget, markups, and other business needs.  This will allow you to separate the business from the medicine.

In addition, establish parameters of excellence for your practice that will govern how the business will be run.  Establish a budget that will help  you achieve healthy results, and stick to it.  This will allow you to afford the equipment and people that will facilitate your standard of care.

Establish standards for both your medical care and your business operations.

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