Merck-Henry Schein National Equine Veterinary Economic Study

Merck Animal Health - Henry Schein Animal Health National Equine Veterinary Economic Study


There is a general lack of quality equine veterinary economic data available with which to assess the practice trends, growth opportunities, needs, and risks of the equine veterinary sector.  Merck Animal Health and Henry Schein Animal Health, together with the AAEP commissioned the National Equine Veterinary Economic Study to:

  • learn about the current economic status of equine veterinary practice and the trends compared to recent years (2007-2012)
  • determine key factors impacting equine practice revenues including number of clients, number of patients, number of patient visits, FTE’s, and other area trends.
  • determine key revenue growth opportunities.
  • assess the current attitudes and challenges of veterinarians regarding demand and use of veterinary services and their recent trends.
  • assess the current management practices being used in equine practice in an effort to learn what is needed to help equine practices operate in a more profitable manner.

The Plan: The lead researcher will be Edward L. Blach, DVM, MS, MBA and he will be assisted by Andrew R. Clark, DVM, MBA.  Drs. Blach and Clark have a long background in equine practice, market research, and practice management consulting and education.  The data for this study will be gathered from some or all of the following, depending upon the availability and access that can be accomplished:

  • Survey of equine veterinary practices
  • Interviews of equine veterinarians

The Research Team will be led by seasoned equine veterinary market research specialist and practice management consultant, Edward L. Blach, DVM, MS, MBA, and assisted by Andrew R. Clark, DVM, MBA, leading equine practice management consultant.  Other experts will be consulted as needed to accomplish the goals of the study.

Results:  The results of the Merck-Henry Schein study will be released on the site, with periodic small releases of data and educational discussion to help put the data to work for the industry.  To get updates about new releases, join the site or our email list to receive notifications.  You can find results for download in the Documents Library.

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