Convenience and peace of mind are important to clients of veterinarians

Convenience and peace of mind are important to clients of veterinarians.  Veterinarians have a lot of education and training that is focused on diagnosing and treating.  It is natural that when working with clients, veterinarians are focused upon the illness or condition and how to fix it.

At the same time, the client has other priorities that are equally important.  If they've selected your practice as their preferred source of help for their animal, they already expect that the medicine will be great.  Competence is no longer a competitive advantage.  It is a minimum requirement to earn the opportunity to work with the client and patient.

More important to the client than competence is the convenience and peace of mind that you and your team provide.  Clients want peace of mind that they are doing the right thing for their animal.  They have limited time, and want predictable, pleasant experiences.  They want to know that you are fair in all dealings and that your focus is the health and welfare of their animal, not just making more money.  For example, many clients will receive a recommendation to use a specific medicine or diet to help improve the health of their patient.  Most clients would prefer to pay slightly more for those products and get them 'while they are here' than going elsewhere to purchase them, as long as they know that your price is fair and that they aren't being gouged in pricing.  Offer up to date price comparisons as a transparency service to clients.  Dealing with clients with a straightforward, honest, and transparent manner will lead to great trust in the relationship that will bring them back for years to come.  Build that trust.  Honor the relationship and never violate the trust, and you will have loyal customers for many years.  

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