Fix it!

Every business wants raving fans.  Raving fans are those customers that not only love the business, but they are vocal advocates who tout the quality of the experience provided by the business.  There is no surer way of earning raving fans than by empowering your team, every member, to do what is right for the customer at the time the issue or opportunity arises.

Customer satisfaction studies have shown that fixing a customer issue rapidly and immediately, on the spot, will yield raving fans who are more loyal than most.  This is only possible by empowering your entire team with clear permission to 'fix' the issue on the spot for any customer.  Improved customer loyalty and raving fans will be the result.

To do this, develop clear guidelines for all team members to follow in serving the needs of every customer on the spot.  Develop clear guidelines also for capturing and documenting these episodes for review at your weekly team meeting.  And make sure that those reviews don't result in negative actions against employees who did what they believed to be the best for the customer.  It may not always be exactly right, but over time, when you review these episodes, your entire team will learn how to serve each customer and situation according to the desires of the business leadership.  In the process, these frequent discussions will lead to a more customer-centered service for your business.

Empower your team to 'Fix it'!

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