Invest in communications training for your team

No matter the business, communication is key.  Veterinary medicine is the same.  Customer service and satisfaction are dependent upon exemplary customer communications.  Most of us believe that we are excellent communicators, but when clients are surveyed, they typically tell us that we are not.

Poor communications lead to poor customer satisfaction, sometimes to the point of litigation, even when the veterinary medicine was high quality.  Invest in developing the communications skills of your team to improve your service.  Some examples of great resources for your team include:

  • Have every team members read, "How to Win Friends and Influence People", by Dale Carnegie.  In my opinion, this timeless classic should be required reading for every student before they are allowed to graduate from high school.  I've met many business leaders who have shared with me that they read this book over and over for personal growth and development.
  • Support members of your team to join Toastmasters, an international organization with local chapters that helps people develop their confidence and abilities with public speaking.  This organization has transformed the lives of many people.
  • Send key people, such as your veterinarians to a Frank Workshop, a communications training program for veterinarians provided by the Colorado State University Department of Clinical Sciences.  These workshops receive very positive reviews from many veterinarians.
  • Read "Fierce Conversations", by Susan Scott. This book provides many insights and instructions to improve your ability to communicate with others, even when the conversation might be difficult.

Invest in developing your team by making communications a priority in your practice.

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