Sales and marketing:  ‘Tell me more’

Sales and marketing are not profanity to a veterinary practice.  Every veterinarian and every veterinary practice must engage in their own version of sales and marketing if they are to be successful.  Sales and marketing is the process of defining your services and educating your clients what is best for their animals.  It's that simple.

In formal sales training, people are taught how to get their customers to tell them what they want and need.  As veterinarians, we are trained to observe, assess, diagnose, treat, and move on to the next patient.  There is no time to stand around to talk.  Yet, think about the data from research that shows the highest levels of dissatisfaction amongst clients of veterinary services is poor communications.  It is important to get your clients to talk and for the doctor and staff to listen.  You can learn a lot about what they really want and what they value.

Try using this simple phrase next time you're talking with a client.  When they're talking to you about their animal, use the phrase, "Tell me more."  And use it repeatedly.  Take note of what you learn and how your client relationships will change.  People want to talk to someone who is interested in them.  This lesson goes back to the timeless book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie.  

"Tell me more" is very powerful, and is at the heart of sales.  Have your team read this book and discuss it.  It can be life changing for your team and your practice.

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