Who do you ask?

Every day in practice and in business, questions arise.  Who do you ask?  Where do you go for answers?

On many veterinary issues, you probably turn to colleagues who have expertise in the relevant area.  On the business side, you may or may not know who to ask.  Let's consider some excellent resources that should be relevant.

Your suppliers have on their teams specialists in both areas.  And if they don't have them on their employment roster, they will likely have access to some of the best resources in each area.  Consider your colleagues who have left practice or academia and who are employed by manufacturers of the latest veterinary products.  They have many of the brightest minds, who are well-trained in veterinary medicine and in business.

Remember, your suppliers have the incentive to help you succeed, no matter what challenges you have to overcome.  If you are a loyal partner and customer to them, they will typically go to great lengths to help you find the answers you need on both veterinary and business issues.

Be a loyal partner and customer to your suppliers and they will provide answers to the questions that you need to be answered.

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