You can’t teach chemistry

Chemistry is the make-up of a person or a team.  It is at the core of their identity.  It is innate.  It's almost impossible to change the chemistry of a person, relative to how they interact with others.  These statements represent my experience and that of many mentors and leaders with whom I've discussed this topic.

One such leader who is an expert in hiring and building teams, conveyed his belief, "Fire quickly, hire slowly."  I didn't believe this.  I believed that people can change and that I could help them change.  Over the years, I've learned in most cases, I was wrong.  If there are issues with a person's chemistry, their innate behavior and interactive qualities with others, it is unlikely that it will improve.  For the sake of the business, make a timely decision to free up their future and hire somebody who is a good fit for your team.  Obviously, each enterprise must work within the constraints of their state and federal labor laws.  Chemistry is everything in building an effective team.

This concept should illustrate the importance of investing significant time and money to ensure that your hiring process is optimized to identify and bring on board team members with the right skill set and chemistry.  Remember, you can't teach chemistry.

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