Your reputation is powerful

Your practice has a reputation that has been formed by the experiences of your customers.  That reputation is at the core of your brand. 

Do you know what your practice’s reputation is in the minds of your customers?  Ask your customers why they like your practice.  Why do they make the choice to use your services?   What do they believe that you are good at?

Identify the answers to these simple questions and you will learn a lot about what your brand stands for.   These findings can form the core of your marketing message, assuming that what you are known for is good and is what you want to provide.  If it is, then you can create your marketing message around these findings and communicate them over and over.  If not, then it forms the basis of what changes need to be made to create the reputation that you want your practice to have.

Your reputation is powerful, whether it’s good or not so good.  Learn what it is to your customers and use it to either promote what you do well, or to improve your practice.

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