Your suppliers are your best friends in business

Your suppliers are your best friends in business.  They provide you the resources to provide the services needed by your clients.  What they provide you accounts for about 20% to 30% of your revenue.  Hopefully, yours is closer to 20% than 30%.  It needs to be if you want to be profitable.

And the products and services they provide are just the beginning of what they can do for you.  These companies contain some very talented business minds, proven business processes, and knowledge that can help you succeed in business as well.  To unlock what they have to offer, you should commit to being loyal partners and customers of theirs.  If you are loyal, these companies will unleash numerous resources in the form of business expertise, sponsored client events, and sponsored business consultations.  

Business expertise is at your fingertips every day.  Establish loyalty with your suppliers and they will be your partners.

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