Entries with the topic Optimize Inventory and Suppliers.

Shrinkage will shrink your profits

Mar 30, 2016 by Edward L. Blach, DVM, MS, MBA

As we've discussed, inventory is most often the second highest cost area for most practices.  Yet, in recent surveys, as few as 30% of practices have secured their inventory... [ Continue Reading ]

Topics: Featured 3 ,Optimize Inventory and Suppliers ,Supplier Wednesday

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Your suppliers have the expertise to help you manage inventory

Mar 23, 2016 by Edward L. Blach, DVM, MS, MBA

Your suppliers have the expertise to help you manage inventory.  Many practices exert a lot of energy and expense searching for the absolute lowest price on each inventory item. ... [ Continue Reading ]

Topics: Featured 3 ,Optimize Inventory and Suppliers ,Supplier Wednesday

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Inventory management will improve profitability

Mar 16, 2016 by Edward L. Blach, DVM, MS, MBA

Inventory management represents one of your biggest opportunities to improve profitability.  Inventory and the services required to run a practice (Cost of Professional Services - COPS) represent the second... [ Continue Reading ]

Topics: Featured 3 ,Finance ,Getting Started ,Optimize Inventory and Suppliers ,Supplier Wednesday

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Five areas to focus

Dec 10, 2015 by Edward L. Blach, DVM, MS, MBA

From the Merck-Henry Schein Study, significant opportunities exist in five areas to focus management efforts to improve profitability and practice value including the following: improve team management including proactively managing... [ Continue Reading ]

Topics: Build and Lead Your Team ,Finance ,Getting Started ,Management ,Optimize Inventory and Suppliers ,Provide Exemplary Care ,Sales and Marketing

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Why should I manage inventory?

Oct 28, 2015 by Edward L. Blach, DVM, MS, MBA

It is easy to say, 'manage your inventory'.  But what is the true impact of doing so?  In many veterinary practices, inventory as a percent of revenue (inventory... [ Continue Reading ]

Topics: Management ,Optimize Inventory and Suppliers

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Manage Your Inventory

Oct 21, 2015 by Edward L. Blach, DVM, MS, MBA

According to responses from practice owners in the Merck-Henry Schein Study, only 32% of practices utilized inventory management routinely to enhance their practice.  Inventory is one of the highest contributors... [ Continue Reading ]

Topics: Management ,Optimize Inventory and Suppliers ,Supplier Wednesday

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Lock Your Pharmacy

Oct 14, 2015 by Edward L. Blach, DVM, MS, MBA

The Cost of Professional Services of which Inventory Costs are the largest contributor, is the second highest expense area for most veterinary practices.  Yet, in the Merck-Henry Schein Study,... [ Continue Reading ]

Topics: Finance ,Getting Started ,Management ,Optimize Inventory and Suppliers

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